Anything that smacks down that screechy-voiced, narrow-minded, third-rate pseudo-intellectual self-appointed guru, even in a generous way, is ever to me like a day in the country with a hamper from Harrods.
My gaydar is off the map when I see JP with his vulnerable, adoring young men gazing up at him over the footlights, like junior cheerleaders having hot flashes for the football captain. He strikes postures that he thinks make him read as a manly, muscled, fearless debunker of modern decadence and defender of traditional values, but his prissy, effete manner and testosterone-challenged vocal production fall comically short, so that he's much more reminiscent of Nancy Kulp’s character of Jane Hathaway in “The Beverly Hillbillies”. Except she was at least smart.
I think I was on to him shortly after I heard him explain how no one should — in fact, no one has the right to — criticize anything about the systems of oppression we face: misogyny, capitalism, systemic racism and poverty until we have worked on ourselves and are perfect. But this perfectionism is in the air these days. Talk about cancel culture — except it's not the one HE rants about, which simply amounts to intelligent people choosing to ignore the tedious, atavistic whining of conservative men. It's the Jordan Petersons of the world attempting to cancel social justice and activism while they dredge up stale mid-century rhetoric and breathlessly share that they've just discovered how to make a bed since their wives left. Next to Jordan Petersen, Dale Carnegie reads like Voltaire.
You are spot-on about his epicene 1950's Cold War fetish. When he twitters on about communism, I swear you couldn't get a postage stamp between the cheeks of his arse.
It's not the blatant homoeroticism that clearly drives his relationship with his immature fans that's creepy. It's the lack of acknowledgment. His whole shtick reeks of a long-ago treehouse with a sign that reads: "Gurlz Keep Owt," and inside a secret stash of male physique magazines.
Censored or silenced?? In my dreams.