But those elites damned sure don’t sit out the elections either, smug in their conceit that either way, everything will work out alright.
They take no chances; they play every hand; they never fold — not even once.
You hit the nail on the head with that one. Progressives have no strategy. We are all over the place. Conservatives set the agenda and bound the conversation. Progressives react (and how satisfying it is to work up a good head of outrage). Conservatives are relentless in their proselytizing. Progressives just sit back and hope for the best; we think we don’t have to win over hearts and minds because everyone should just see how right we all are.
Naive is the nicest word for how we are.
When progressives co-ordinate, lead the conversation, set the agenda and realize that democracy is what happens between elections, I will have hope again.