Despite Mr Haque's sky-is-falling hysteria - even as he makes, as always, many valid points - Biden's presidency isn't "failing".
What saddens me about your response, which I sense is typical of all the Bernie bros and babes, is its childish rancor; its sheer spitefulness; its utter lack of good will; and its dismal and cynical rejection of the democratic process by which the U.S. was granted a miracle of a reprieve from the coup that Trump very nearly pulled off and might yet pull off.
These are not liberal values, these are not progressive values. Your response exhibits all the sullen entitlement and unwillingness to be part of a bigger picture, the "Me first"-ness of a Trump supporter. A true liberal, a true progressive would be supporting the result of a democratic election which Bernie Sanders could not have won even if he'd got the nomination. If you can't see the very real and very good things Biden has done so far and prefer to grouse about an election that's been settled for nearly a year, then you deserve what you get.
But I'm glad you're not the future, for that I look to A O-C and others of a new generation who do the hard slog of working within the system you have to effect change. That takes patience, courage, pragmatism, cooperation, and optimism - traits which, if your response is anything to go by, you sorely lack.