He's not ranting. He's pointing out something that many may have not seen.
It's not his job to give solutions, or actually to do anything. He's a prophet, an alarm sounding.
You're not helpless. You know the solution, you just wish it wasn't required that you do anything (I'm speaking abstractly, I don't know that you think that, but for example).
You know the solution. The solution is to to mobilize, change your voting system, become activists, mobilize your neighbours, go door-to-door, write your local newspaper, demonstrate, push for legislation, run for local office, counter hate every time you read it or hear it or see it, stand up for, insist on justice, equality and peace, teach your children and let teachers teach your children, read books, become media literate, vote, though voting is one small part of the democratic process, and everyone has to do their part.
Of the people, by the people, and for the people, especially the people who have no voice, who are different, who struggle, who are poor.
Democracy is not the norm. It has to be fought for and maintained. Freedom slips away in the night.