I only read the initial reports about the Cass report being published; I haven't read the actual document. I do remember reading a top-level summary of its findings, and thinking, "this is reckless, it seems unrepentantly biased,—not objectively seeking facts but rather seeking data that backs up a foregone conclusion.
I was profoundly uneasy about its pathologizing of the trans experience, because being trans IS NOT AN ILLNESS!, and its blithe acceptance of the theory of "social contagion", which is a blunt instrument that can be used to justify keeping young people ignorant of issues that they need to learn about. Now I will have to read it, though the prospect gives me a knot in my stomach.
As a gay late-boomer, I sometimes make the analogy (it's not a perfect one, but see what you think) that trans people generally, but actually all queer / gender non-conforming are roughly where gay men were around 1970, just after Stonewall. Suddenly, we were "out', and a taboo topic was suddenly being discussed openly, but without any protections in law, or change of attitude. It felt horribly exposed, fraught with danger; it was the time many older gay men would say, "it was better before, when we had to hide."
I can't recall, however, there being such a complete moral panic, or such a huge backlash, which is where my analogy breaks down.
I could go on forever about this, but what I really want to say is: trans people are the experts on being trans. Gay men are the experts on being gay men, and so on. And it blows my mind the contortions "experts" will assume in order not to simply ask the people being "studied" about the reality of their lives.
I am so sick of being told what my reality is—including the newly-resurrected myth that gay men, and now the trans community, are de facto child molesters. That sick accusation, that myth created a psychic wound that I've never recovered from. I've had close to 70 years of it. I can't even imagine what the trans community is going through right now. Your essay, and many others on Medium are so necessary and I learn a lot from them.
And I need to say to non-trans, cis-gendered people: You need to speak up at every opportunity, whenever you hear and see transphobia in your community, on the news, at school board meetings, wherever. Make the hate unacceptable, and educate yourselves so you can debunk the misinformation and hysteria. And most of all, you need to stop talking so much, having opinions before you know what you're talking about, and start listening.
Fight the fight, and also be sure to check in and know when you need extreme self-care. You are, as you well know, deserving of the same respect, dignity and have the same rights as every other member of the human family. We will win, eventually. We'll live our lives openly, and peacefully; without apology.
I just wish they didn't have to make the journey so fucking hard.