I tend to agree with you, but then again, I’m Canadian, what do I know?
Surrounded as I am by young conspiracy theorists, I’ve taken to concocting my own. It saves money, for one thing — no subscriptions to the New York TImes online for example. I simply make up my own news, based on a false premise, then extrapolate that to a future that matches my personal flavor of paranoia, which is Theocracy and soda, twist of lime.
I’ve been thinking that, as dire as it looks from up here, your system is working and doing what it was designed to do. You are having impeachment hearings and the public is listening. It’s a pity that Trump has made the rule of law into something like a faulty traffic light stuck on red. Remember how, from the beginning, he complained how “slow” the process was to have his Muslim-ban legislation passed or to have his appeals heard? Liberalism and justice move slowly for a reason, but MAGAs don’t get that . Swift, divine “justice” is what Trump and his supporters believe in.
Your vision of Trump being frog-marched out of the White House, while the Peronistas, ooops, sorry, military take over the reins temporarily is shocking. The US has finally become a banana republic, except with corruption instead of bananas as the main export. I only hope you are right.