I was going to run screaming in existential fear from my apartment at the news that "the aliens are totally out there, man."
But then I remembered it was all a bunch of hogwash.
No, I don't have a carefully crafted rock-solid anti-proof, and anyway, it's Harry Reid's role, once he gets back on his meds, to give US the proof.
The sheer implausibility of the U.S. or any government being able to contain this secret for so long is what impresses me. Think about it: this isn't an unknown unknown. It's a known unknown. We passengers on spaceship Earth are waiting for this news. Everyone from Babs, the steno pool manager, to the General Director would have run out of the Pentagon in a tin foil hat within ten seconds of word getting around. The concept that not one leak occurred before now is preposterous.
You don't often get a chance to use "preposterous" in its fully-fledged meaning of "bigger than a rhinoceros" so I'm taking full advantage of the opportunity.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play some relaxing tunes on my Theremin.