I'm white. Thanks to people like Robin DiAngelo, I'm acutely aware of my racism due to a lifetime of conditioning. To overcome even a mote of this conditioning, I've had to work at it, question my reactions, my beliefs, listen to the voices of POC, because without those voices I wouldn't see the water I swim in.
I don't consciously engage in overt acts of racism. I may or may not be right about this, I'll need to be called out if I do. I'll listen, though it's difficult. It's really the least I can do. I don't resent the time or effort.
But racism, to state the satori moment over and over and over again until other white people get it, is not down to individual acts of niceness or not-niceness. It's systemic, built into the structures of society like nerves are built into tissue. That's the intractability of the problem.
So this is an entire list showing how POC have told their experienced reality, their truth about the big, white wall of oppression that confronts them, daily, perpetuated by people like you, and, probably, me. I read it with humility, not a common state with me, and vowed to try to work for change. I start, in my small way, by speaking up whenever I see acts of racism, white fragility and white privilege, or even racism-, white fragility-, and white privilege-denying disingenuousness, thick-headedness and bullshit.
Is that what you were after?