Moreno - First off, I truly couldn't be more pleased that you're living your grooviest life and you've decided what works for you and what doesn't. That does not necessarily mean you've found the secret to life, or the seven great lies, or x number of anything—yet. It means you've discovered what feels good right now, and you're doing it.
Which is no small thing. Many people live lives of unexamined frustration.
Your title. You perhaps underestimate your readership. I think Medium people are pretty smart. We're pretty able to think for ourselves, weigh the evidence and figure out if someone is persuading us with the breadth of their experiences and impressing us with their rock solid facts, or just blowing bubbles in our general direction and having a good vent about - well, for example, security guards doing their job. Inflating your 30-second frustrating experience at Madrid airport into a declaration that airline safety regulations are all "a fucking joke" is stretching it a bit thin. Yes, I'll dare to say it: the worldwide sum total of airport security is larger than you and those two guards (they're not "uniform monkeys", and to insult them like that isn't cool) and your jar of Nutella. Go on, slap me silly.
And as for autonomy: Yeah. That's Freedom saying "fuck you" to all the other people who, inconveniently, have their rights and freedoms, too. Yes, we have to take risks sometimes - in business, in creativity. None of those involve being sucked out of the broken fuselage at 30,000 ft. That's risk that is undesirable and unnecessary.
So what's your solution to the airport security thing? Do you have one?
"You work your ass off for decades so you can keep up with the Joneses, binge Netflix, watch porn, and eat junk food." That shows how little you know your audience, for I have NEVER binged on Netflix.
You do hit some interesting points. Like the drug thing. You're brave to question the truism that drugs are inherently bad, and why this is an interesting excursion is that you say you've had experience here. That's something I would be interested to hear more about.
I could go on and on, but you get the idea. The silly ideas are silly because they're just water cooler talk, and the interesting ones, which invoke your personal experience, you don't flesh out.
I will say two more things: Your Grandma. You are wrong to dismiss your elders. Her story sounds riveting. Don't miss the chance to listen to her story. Spend hours and hours doing this, because although you say it's a different world, that's just technology. People have not changed, not one iota, which is why we can take a Shakespeare play and set it in any century and it still resonates. It's why we can read Sophocles, or Dickens, or Austen, or Dostoyevsky... and we still see ourselves. You know. Humanity.
Which you'll realize when you finish your University course. University isn't ultimately about credentialing to get a job. It's a thing in itself (and should be free - I'm 100% with you on the absurd cost, when it should be regarded as an investment in young people and the future.) It's about training the mind, in the company of others, in real time, building relationships of intellect, a community of learning, and because two engaged minds are much more than 1 + 1. The Internet is wonderful as a resource, but culture is transmitted person to person. There's no other way.
All the best