Mr Crawford,
Thank you for stating out loud, in broad daylight, what I’ve been grumbling under my breath on dark, lonely roads since 2016.
Clinton was indeed not just the “lesser of two evils,” but without question the most qualified presidential candidate in memory. And I throw another laurel wreath at you for styling her “Ms Clinton,” instead of that subtly demeaning “Hillary,” which stripped her of any gravitas, reducing her to a clumsy teenager in a world full of grown-ups; “Hillary,” a patronising nod the big boss might give the girl from the secretarial pool, steno pad at the ready.
Sanders? Winning, in a country which falls apart at the mere mention of universal health care? Enough on that topic, next!
You ask rhetorically what the real problem was with Ms Clinton, and I searched your article with beady eyes to see if I’d missed it, the one thing you may have not considered:
Ms Clinton is a woman. Sorry, “bitch.” And what’s a “bitch”? A woman who dares wield as much power, self-confidence and ambition as a man.
I think I’m stating the obvious, you may not agree. I say, pay close attention to how the female candidates for President, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, are treated, hear the criticisms, insults, rhetoric and lies as the U.S. gets closer to election time.