OH, I would love so very much if Elizabeth Warren had/has a chance. But notice the usual “a woman pays for the slightest misstep much more than a man” at play in the recent post-debate “OMG she didn’t shake his hand, what a — [wait for it ]— bitch!”
Which at least gives her an evening off from being a “corporate lackey.” This, you may remember, is the woman who made Wall Street execs and Washington wonks cry as she pilloried them for the benefit of a billion viewers on YouTube, yet who somehow is still a corporate lackey. Who says you can’t have it all, women! What will she have to do to convince them she’s not? Blow up the stock exchange? Strangle Steve Mnuchin? (I’d buy tickets for that one.)
But getting back to the bitch of things: Now, anything is possible, but is it likely that Warren would fabricate Sanders saying to her that a woman could not win? Of course not. But there’s no one going, “What ungentlemanly behavior for Sanders to deny what he said and make her out to be a liar!” It’s all ‘whatabitch.’
I bet you five gallons of lousy Tim Horton’s coffee and a gross of stale maple-glazed donuts that if a man had refused to shake hands (if that’s in fact what actually was taking place) he would be patted on the back by the online equivalent of the boys in the locker room and called manly and strong, full of integrity, because why would you shake the hand of someone who just called you a liar on live broadcast, in front of millions? Only a weak-kneed snowflake would do that — if you’re a man.
But let a woman refuse a conciliatory gesture? It’s like ur-mama ripping the nurturing teat right out of the the world-infant’s mouth. A woman must defer to the man, who obviously has the better recollection of events. Who knows, maybe Warren was having a hot flash or something in the longest menopause on record and just imagined the whole conversation!
I won’t burden you with my rant about Sanders supporters of the young and impressionable variety. I’ll just link to my rant if you would like two thousand more words of my explicating the obvious, with an interesting Photoshop composite.
I feel slightly better now. But only slightly.