QAnon isn't about saving children. It's about accusing political enemies of being pedophiles.
There's no answer to the accusation. The mud will stick, because what can the accused say? "No, I'm not a pedophile"? It's impossible to prove a negative, which is the point. It's the smear of smears, deluxe, efficient.
There is no equivalence between BLM and QAnon. The former brings our attention to the injustice of anti-Black racism, which is real. QAnon is a bizarre conspiracy theory simply concocted out of thin air to stir up right-wing rage against the left.
A claim of voting irregularities, a "stolen" election, with no evidence to back up the claim is baseless. There is zero evidence of voting irregularities. There is evidence of Dems using every possible means to get voters to the polls and to encourage voting by mail. There is evidence on recounts that original counts were correct. The legitimate press is reporting factually in this case.
By legitimate press I mean well known publications with a reputation for accuracy and integrity, usually over decades, employing professional journalists and committed to fact-based reporting. It is possible to separate real journalism from fake. There is always bias, but legitimate news media attempt to mitigate this as much as possible. Facts are facts; opinion is labelled as such.