This is what has been lost. This sense of pulling together. Society is so fractured, it's like no two people chosen at random would even believe the same reality.
I really appreciated reading an opinion of Joe Biden that was reasonable and took account of what he has inherited. The fact that many don't seem to appreciate either his chill manner or his very real accomplishments so far, is a sign of a sort of hardening of the American psyche into cynicism and probably just understandable weariness.
I don't understand progressives. Over and over Repubs do the same things: they play dirty, they control the narrative at all times, they are shameless about stacking the deck, and they are relentless. I would think the Dems would have figured this out after a thousand times, but no.
The younger progressives, who I think are absolutely wonderful, especially the so-called "Squad" - these young women are the future, they are blazing stars and I hope you're damn proud of them. They have to understand that the US public is generally not on board with anything that sounds too extreme. They want the actual benefits, but anything sounding too angry becomes scary socialism. It's just the presentation and rhetoric. I think young people believe that integrity means you can't "sell" an idea, but you have to.
Dems need to come right out of the gate with their own, positive narrative and lead with it for a change, not just be always reacting to attacks from the right. How they're going to help, and who, and how great it's going to be. Have the courage of your convictions, cause there may not be too many more chances...
All progressives could actually take a lesson from Biden in how he explains what he's going to do. It's laid back, it's like, "here's what we're going to do for families that are struggling." kind of deal, and it works. Laugh at him and call him sleepy Joe all you like, he's like the inverse of Trump: warm / gentle / trustworthy / sympathetic. He's HUMAN. I don't know how he does it at all, let alone this well.