This is what I find most appalling and frustrating. The "moral turpitude" didn't matter. That's how successfully he has normalized his behavior.
So you elected as the most powerful man in the world someone whose record of criminality would bar him from obtaining almost any job you could name. He couldn't flip a hamburger or be a salesman, or an accountant or a security guard or.... I guess being a rapist makes him "manly", and fraud and theft make him " a winner who flouts the rules."
And men voted for a man who despises women, the young voted against the elderly, and most of all, I suspect, white against Black, always, always.
You've failed in educating your young people in ethics, civics, and even Christian values. Gaza protestors stayed at home I guess, to "send a message". What was the message? That politics is about getting your way 100% of the time regardless of consequences? That Trump will solve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza? Give me a f*****g break. He'll support the annexation of Gaza and the West Bank. He's Netanyahu's autocrat best bro.
It goes on and on. A comment on Twitter revealed that many Trump voters thought that tariffs on Chinese goods meant that the Chinese would bear the costs. They didn't even understand that American consumers will be paying the costs.
Youth is wasted on the young. And I guess democracy -- which you seem to think is a system not just where the "winner" takes all, but one where the winner is entitled to "punish" the losers and strip civil and human rights from vulnerable minorities -- is wasted on a population that's been de-educated, riled up, fed insane disinformation they don't have the skills to challenge, and told that society is an evil concept and other people don't matter as long as you're a "winner".
Good luck.