"When was the last time AOC defended her ideas in front of ANYONE?"
Possibly in the House of Representatives? Just a wild shot in the dark.
You remind me of the bratty twenty-something on Twitter who taunted her with "The best you've ever achieved is second place in some science fair," possibly having forgotten that the reason he was even mocking her supposed lack of achievement was because she is the youngest-ever elected Congresswoman, who won her seat by trouncing the ten-year incumbent in her district through hard slog, intelligence, integrity and confidence that the time for her bold ideas had arrived.
Trump walks into the wolfs' den, if that's what you call a room full of responsible, professional journalists doing their jobs, but you may have noticed that his "interviews" are rambling, incoherent monologues and that he more often than not storms out when he can't handle reasonable questions. You know, questions like "Why do you put children in cages?" and "Do you really think you have more expertise than career scientists with degrees and years of practice?"
Poor put-upon Donald. Are you telling me you didn't question, say, Obama's every move? Why shouldn't Trump be grilled on every statement and decision? That's the JOB of journalists; that's your job as a citizen, especially with a pathological liar who's bungled your response to the pandemic so that thousands have died who should not have died.
You do make one truth clear, though. Love or hate Trump, he sure has f****d the US.