You? Exaggerate? Surely not!
I've always been a fan, but your columns are starting to resemble the final missives from a secret Rosicrucian cult that's worked out the end of the world as happening next Tuesday at noon. You keep churning them out, I'll keep reading them.
It's just inflation, man. That's from the huge influx of govt money in to the system. They'll tax it back. It will cool down. It's not the end of capitalism as we know it or our way of life or anything.
It's just inflation. You will deal with it through monetary policy, you have smart people in power right now.
I know that you do what you do in a sense to be a counter weight to the eternal American inane optimism and also the American total disinterest in anything like economics or even, really, politics. Americans just get out of bed and shout "socialism" occasionally, order another double cheeseburger, then vote for the candidate who they "like". Then they complain about the candidate they voted for and go back to bed. It's a simple agenda that the majority can cope with.
So I get it. It is noble work you perform. It's just, could you maybe not be ending the world EVERY week? Split the diff?
You are determined to paint, and experience, Biden's presidency as "failing." Jeezus fucking H Christ, guys. The guy's got two advantages over your previous CHOICE. (Emphasis mine).
Advantage 1. He walks and talks like a human being, a pretty emotionally connected and intelligent human being, too. Compare 2016. Have you already forgotten what you guys put yourselves, and the rest of the world I might add, through?
Advantage 2. He got elected. In your system, he was the only possible choice. I guess that's what everyone resents, that you kind of HAD to vote for him. Then fix your system!
Biden was elected in a climate of anti-science, alienation, post-truth, the worst state of economic inequality since the Robber Barons, rabid Trumpism and social unrest leading to the breakdown of the rule of law, encouraged by the party that's not in power but wants to be whether by election or other means, specifically, violence and mob rule
Two weeks before Biden's Inauguration, may I remind you, there was an armed insurrection at the Capitol, INCITED by your previous Prez promulgating the lie that he is STILL your President. Biden failing? He should get the Pulitzer Prize for just waking up and getting dressed every morning.
I'm surprised he can even function. But he kept his head up and forged ahead. He just got the bill passed. He has done his best.
Don't do your thing of laying everything at his feet that's gone wrong with the US for the past forty years.
Because you're not happy unless you're unhappy. If you'd somehow managed to elect Bernie, what would you be doing now? The very same complaining, because what the Repubs did to Obama they would have done to Bernie, a thousand thousand fold.
It's Thanksgiving, right? You're counting your blessings right now, well, Joe Biden, kick and scream as you may, is one of them.
So I'll see you all next week, after Umair's Apocalypse, The Sequel. I'll be in my waders.